Become a Leader in Emergency Preparedness
The Certificate in Emergency Services is a eight month program designed for individuals interested in entering the field of emergency management planning as well as for those currently in a First Response” profession (e.g., fire, nursing service) seeking to update or broaden their skills.
The Certificate acknowledges that accidents and emergency situations will continue to occur throughout every generation. This program attempts to provide students with knowledge and skills for managing such occurrences to lessen their impacts on society. This certificate presents the theories, principles, and approaches to emergency management with the four attendant steps which include mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. The role, duties, and importance of the Emergency Manager and legal issues involving emergency management will be discussed.
Careers for emergency management professionals can vary somewhat, depending on whether the professional prepares for natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, or hurricanes, technological disasters like hazardous material spill emergencies, hostage situations, or civil conflicts. The common elements among all these careers are anticipating emergencies, strategizing the safest possible response to those emergencies, and implementation and execution of these strategies if the emergencies occur. EMS staff work with the police, fire fighters and rescue teams The program follows a highly structured and internationally recognized curriculum. The program may be offered in collaboration with the national or state colleges or universities. All courses will be taken completely online. Complete in 8 months!
Prerequisite: None
Upon graduation, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the principles of emergency management and national security and selected topics from these emerging disciplines. This Certificate will empower its graduates to become the best public emergency health and safety professionals. It will allow those officers to function at an acceptable level on a rescue squad in a pre-hospital setting as a paramedic specialist. The training courses will enable existing fire and other emergency first responders to become knowledgeable and skilled in the fields of EMS. The programs will be taught by highly trained, certified and experienced EMS and fire science professionals.
Job Opportunities
In the wake of annual natural disasters such as hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes and ongoing global terrorist threats, both government and business officials recognize the need for concerted efforts to prevent emergencies to the extent that it is possible and mitigate the damage when it is not possible. As a result, there will be a high demand for emergency management professional who act as employees or consultants, offering contingency plans and guidelines for national or local disaster preparation. |