- Q?Are there other admission requirements?
Students must be 18 years or older (Students starting class under 18 years of age require parent or guardian consent), at the time of application. Applicants to most of our certificate programs must be high school graduates and have a minimum of four CXC, GCE. Other admission requirements may apply and some programs require a college degree.
- Q?Are there any age requirements to enroll in a Thomas Brown College online learning program?
Persons under the age of 18 must obtain the written signature of a parent or legal guardian in order to enroll in a Thomas Brown College course.
- Q?Are there any educational requirements to enroll in a Thomas Brown College online learning program?
Thomas Brown College courses are specifically designed to benefit everybody, regardless of your educational background. The minimum we require is a high school graduation, the desire to learn and a willingness to succeed as a professional in your field of study. Of course students with prior college education will certainly benefit in a variety of ways.
- Q?What about my course assignments?
Most courses will require papers, projects and extensive reading. Most online courses will have online examinations, a major paper or a proctored final examination (a proctored examination is one that is taken under supervision). The syllabus will list assignment by units or weeks. The courses will have weekly deadlines. All courses have clearly defined starting and ending dates and other due dates for online (threaded) discussion, submission of assignments, projects, group activities, presentations and taking examinations. All courses are scheduled to start on Sundays and all assignments, projects and tests must be completed and submitted by specific dates stated in the course syllabi.
- Q?Should I use an online or a paper application?
Thomas Brown College prefers online applications because they are easier to review and process. Applying online can also be more convenient for you — it’s easier to enter information and correct mistakes. Whichever method you choose, ask the high school or college you previously attended to send your transcript can us.
- Q?How long does the application process take?
The process takes approximately one month, assuming that you have all the required documentation.
- Q?How can I apply for admission?
There are three ways to enroll:
- Online – Using our secure website
- Phone – Speak with a Thomas Brown College representative via (Skype) 305-600-2331; 305-787-4200; admissions@thomasbrowncollege.com
- Mail – Complete your enrollment form and mail it in with your down payment to 11 Steber Street, Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica, West Indies
- Q?How does online learning at Thomas Brown College work?
Students complete their coursework — which has been designed specifically for them—online, on their own schedule, at their own pace. They are supported by trained instructors who have experience teaching adults; they also have access to online tutors.
- Q?What is an online learning program or course?
Online learning programs or courses are similar to the traditional “in-class” courses or programs. However, instead of having to attend classes, you study independently at home, at a time and pace that is convenient to you. All of the educational materials for the field of study you choose are delivered directly through your computer, mobile phone or tablet. Qualified instructors are only an e-mail or “chat-line” away if you need assistance, and you can also use online tools to take exams, get your grades and more.
- Q?Will I have quality instructors online?
Since technology doesn’t restrict online schools to have instructors at any one location, we can select excellent instructors from anywhere. Moreover, through technology students can talk directly to their instructors, seek their help, and discuss learning issues with them. Remember, courses are taught online by professionals and practitioners in business and health care, lawyers, judges, computer specialists, as well as other experts in the specific area in which they teach.
- Q?Will online learning fit my learning needs?
Students frequently report that online learning allows them to participate in a way that fits their learning style. For example, students like the idea that they can think longer about their responses and respond as they see fit, based on research and reflection. In a traditional classroom setting, there is a set learning flow that may or may not fit an individual student. Other students like the fact that they can access their course when they are at their best and study as long as they can stay on task productively. With online learning everyone is equal so no student can dominate class time or derail the instructor. Moreover, for many students online learning is much less intimidating than the competitive nature of classrooms.
- Q?What are the specific benefits of a Thomas Brown College online program?
Thomas Brown College online courses provide as a practical way to:
Upgrade existing skills or learn new skills
Start a new career or work toward a promotion
Improve earning potential
Get a better job
Create your own job
Increase self-esteem and confidence
- Q?What advantages do online courses offer me as a student?
Here are four advantages to choosing our online education career college programs:
- Affordability: Online education courses are usually more affordable than the traditional college or university. You do not have to travel to college, or give up your job or pay for child care to advance your career.
- Accessibility: Let’s not forget that not every town or community has a local college or university or branch. This is a problem for those who would like to obtain a college education. Well, Thomas Brown College makes this a thing of the past.
- Flexibility: Studying from home allows for flexibility. You do not need to attend classes with other younger students and feel uncomfortable.
- Online learning also allows you to focus on your studies rather than extra-curricular college activities.
The benefits to learning online cannot be overstated. You will enjoy greater flexibility, a more affordable education, and the comfort of learning at your own pace, as well the convenience of studying in your familiar home environment.
- Q?What types of students enroll in Thomas Brown College distance learning programs and courses?
Most of our students are ambitious serious, career-minded individuals who have come to realize the true value of marketable skills in today’s increasingly demanding work force. Many of our students are recent college graduates with their Associates degree, others are high school graduates or have jobs, families and demanding schedules – both of which conflict with the rigid scheduling of classes in conventional school settings. For these students, a distance learning (online) course or program offers the most logical way in which to train for, or enhance a career. In fact, many of our students enroll in our online courses based on the recommendation of other students and graduates.
- Q?Does online provide easy access to anyone?
Online learning provides easy access to everyone, everywhere. Online learning is rapidly changing the way in which persons all over the world learn and attend college. Thomas Brown College uses this online technology to provide innovative and flexible ways for busy residents of the Caribbean, its neighbors, including Bermuda, the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, Cayman Islands and elsewhere to enroll in our training and certification programs. Because most learners have many important responsibilities in addition to getting an education, this opportunity to pursue studies outside the classroom will meet many of their needs. Online technology links students to all of our programs, making it very easy for them to access our courses regardless of where they live!
- Q?How does it work?
Online learning makes taking courses convenient and easy. Students will need access to a computer with Internet capabilities, so that they can be “in class” while they are at home with their families, on vacation, at work or even on a business trip. Online students quickly become self-disciplined and harness the ability to learn without face to face classroom interaction.
In their online courses, students will be able to ask questions, post responses, hold discussions, submit assignments, listen to other students and instructor, take exams and participate in study groups — online! In addition, they use web-conferencing, email or other text-based technology to communicate one-on-one with their instructors or fellow course mates. Participation in course activities and discussion among course mates, and with their instructors are key components of the online instruction and learning experiences. However, the students determine when these experiences take place.
- Q?What is Thomas Brown College?
Thomas Brown College is a new age career college that provides a series of short, job-related career and accelerated online training programs in various areas of business, paralegal education, health care assisting, computer related and professional development studies to an international community of learners. We help students train for better careers.
- Q?Who attends Thomas Brown College?
Students come to Thomas Brown College from all walks of life with one goal: to train for a better career. Thomas Brown College caters to students around the world—business, legal and medical offices, government agencies and nearly every industrial and commercial organization in the area. You’ll find students beginning their first career or training to improve or start a second career.
- Q?Will I have help finding a job after graduation?
Absolutely! We offer free career placement assistance to all graduates. Our career placement staff will put you in contact with prospective employers, where possible, and help prepare you for interviews and even review your resume.
- Q?What are the instructors like?
All courses are taught online by professionals and practitioners in business and health care, lawyers, judges, computer specialists, as well as other experts in the specific area in which they teach. The faculty at Thomas Brown College is committed to your success. They work hard to make sure that you understand and enjoy the course material, and often double as academic advisers and mentors. At Thomas Brown College, we make it easy to succeed.
- Q?Is Thomas Brown College accredited?
Thomas Brown College is authorized by the Province of Ontario, Canada to award certificate programs in the general areas of business, paralegal education, health care assisting, computer related and professional development studies. Its programs are registered with the Ministry of Education, Commonwealth of Dominica and the Dominica National Accreditation Board to award certificates. It is accredited by the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago and a Member of CANQATE.
- Q?What is online learning?
Online Learning is another form of distance education. The higher education community worldwide defines online education as a formal program of synchronous or asynchronous instruction and learning in which the greatest proportion of the process occurs when students and instructor are not in the same place. In addition to traditional learning resources, online teaching uses any of a variety of technological media that enable interaction and sharing of information across disparate locations. Among these, the Internet, radio, cable television, audio or video conferencing, DVD’s, and CD-ROMs, are prominently featured.
- Q?Is online education something new?
Continuing education through distance learning programs has existed for more than 100 years. Today, online learning is the technological version of the old correspondence education. More educational institutions are realizing the benefits of online courses and offering those programs as a viable alternative to the conventional classroom setting. Thomas Brown College online learning courses are some of the most convenient ways for you to train for a career.